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Allah, Measuring the Intangible

Scientific and philosophical perspective on the Divine.

Allah in Arabic simply means God, Ishwar, Khuda, El, Elohim, Elahi , Lord, YHWH, Tetragrammaton, Allah has many names. This book provides a popular understanding of the concept of a monotheistic deity from the Eastern Sufi point of view. The work is a sequel to and delves deeper into issues raised by books like “The History of God” by Karen Armstrong and ‘The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins both of which are complete and well received pieces of work. A growing cleavage between science and faith has made many to believe that religion is a mythical twist on scientific facts designed to keep people from knowing the truth. "Thou shall not know..." etc. Some believe that God is a failed scientific hypothesis as science is a genre of knowledge that is measurable and quantifiable and is therefore, controllable, which God is certainly not; this is why this book was written. The work refers to and synthesizes contemporary philosophy and science through an integrative approach. It offers a unique synthesis of humanities and science, reason and faith. It de-constructs quantum mechanics using Eastern Sufi tradition and knowledge. It provides new interpretations to recent findings in quantum physics and explains Eastern Sufi concepts to readers in scientific and secular terms. 'Measuring the Intangible' expounds new philosophies to explain the hitherto unexplained. It refers to and synthesizes the works of great scientists from Copernicus to Charles Darwin, from Freud to Einstein and Socrates to Ibn-e-Arabi to Avero and many outstanding theories in the search for God. This work is of wide-ranging general interest and appeals to a wide audience.

Allah, Measuring the Intangible