Robert Oppenheimer proposed that physics and poetry were becoming indistinguishable, Fritjof Capra in ‘The Toa of Physics’ and Cambridge theorist, Stephen Hawking in ‘The Grand Design’ have shown how physics and metaphysics are rapidly converging. While science has progressed, philosophy, traditionally assigned the role of interpreting reality, proposing theories in advance of concrete facts has lagged far behind. Today we are in need of philosophic interpretation of the new scientific thresholds confronting us to help guide our changing perceptions of reality.
Read more...Since ancient Greece, philosophers have speculated that behind apparent diversity of appearances, there is an underlying unity; conversely, however, contemporary scientist is faced with ever expanding, ever proliferating and ever-baffling multiplication of plural realities. Indeed, Pluralism is the modern God today. In the age of pluralism we face yet another dilemma between God and multiverse. Also, it is claimed by scientists that theories are becoming simpler and the simplest explanation, according to Occam’s law, is the best, yet our science today confronts mind-boggling complexity of a magnitude that Occam be damned.
Read more...I believe that our understanding of science has developed to an extent that today we can apply the scientific yardstick to the most abstract, the most intangible, hitherto the most inaccessible reality, God Himself. ‘Measuring the Intangible’ is a scientific dissertation on God. Science is the universal language of mankind. It is the agreed basis of knowledge.